vendredi 29 janvier 2010

I'm Fat So.....What?!

Comme Vous Avez Pu Le Constater De Par Le Titre De Mon Article Je Tiens A Vous Parler D 'une Cause Qui Est Chère a mon Coeur Qui Touche Beaucoup De Personne Partout Dans Le Monde Et Qui Est Toute Simple "Arettez Les Prejugès Vis A Vis Des Personnes Un Peu Enrobè!!!"Etant Petite J Avais Aussi Un Problème De Poid Et Je Me Souviens Encore Des Moqueries Des Autres A Mon Egart,Je Me Demandais Toujours Pour Quelles Raisons Il Me Jugaient Ainsi Comme Si J 'etais HORS NORMES Ce Qui N a Servi Qu ' a Affaiblir La Confiance En Moi Même!Il Est Vrai Que De Nos Jours Les Gens Ne Vous Jugent Que D 'après L'aparence Physique Qui Est C'est Vrai Importante Mais Qui Ne Fait Pas Tout!Il Faut Aprendre A Regarder Au Dela De Ces Limites Invisibles En Realitè Et Aprendre A Connaitre Cette Personne Qui A Vrai Dire Ne Diffère Pas De Nous Et Petit A Petit Mettre Fin A Toutes Les Insultes Envers Tous Les Gens En Surpoids Et Qui Souffrent A Cause Des Remarques De Ce Genre, Qui Ne Font Que Compliquer Leurs Vies Au Quotidien.La Monde De La Mode Est Aussi Ouvert A Toutes Celles Qui Rêvent Un Jour D 'en Faire Partie Et La Je Denonce Le Comportement Intolèrable Du Fameux KARL LAGERFELD Qui Pretend Que"Les Rondes" N Avaient Pas Leurs Places Dans Le Milieu De La Mode Et Qui Dit Je Cite"Personne Ne Veut Voir Des Femmes Rondes,Vous avez de grosses bonnes femmes assises avec leur paquet de chips devant la télévision qui disent que les mannequins minces sont hideux." Il FAUT Arètter De Penser Comme Ca Et Continuer De Croire En Nos Rêves Et Ne Laisser PERSONNE Nous Convaincre Du Contraire Comme Nous Le Prouve De Nombreuses Modeuses Tels Que La Creatrice Du Blog De Big beauty ,La Chanteuse Beth Ditto Et Les Deux Soeurs De Rodarte Qui Ont Su Faire De Leurs Poids Un Atout Inestimable Et Connaissent Un Franc Succès.

As you have noticed Through The title of my article I would like to speak of a cause that is dear to my heart And affects many people around the world "STOP Injuring Fat People! "When I Was Young I Had a weight problem and I still remember How Much People Were Laughing And Making Fun Of Me And I always wondered why They Were Treating Me As If I Was UNNORMAL Wich has weakened the confidence in myself!nowadays people Take Care A Lot Of the Physical aparence Who Is Truly significant but not everything! We Have To Learn to look beyond those Invisibles limits And Try To Get To Know That Person Who Is Actually not different from us and gradually put an end to all insults to overweight people, who suffer Daily because Of The remarks of this Gender, which complicate their lives.The Industry Of Fashion is also opend to all those who dream To Be Part Of iT That's Why I denounce the intolerable behavior of the famous KARL LAGERFELD Who Pretends That "The Round" Have no place in the world of fashion and who says "Nobody wants to see women Rounds, old women sitting with their packet of crisps watching TV who say that thin models are hideous." We MUST Stop thinking this way and continue to believe in our dreams and leaves no one convinces us otherwise ,as proves Many fashionistas Such as the creator of the Big Blog Of Beauty, The Singer Beth Ditto and The Two Sisters of Rodarte who have arrived to make their weight invaluable and finding success.

The Perfect Stranger.

15 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for your comment!
    She is Marta and she has bought one of the headbands I do.
    Coming soon more clients pictures like today with "Belen"!
    Very cool the pictures of your post!

  2. thanks so much for all your comments :)
    i do love your blog. i totally agree with the idea of this post. any size or shape can be beautiful if you work it right, there's no point dwelling over it :)

  3. great post! its all kinds of wonderful. love your blog

  4. Fashion isn't only for skinny bitches I love your post :)


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  6. GREAT post - fashion is for everyone! :)

  7. C'est adorable! Merci.
    Et...merci pour ton commentaire.

  8. Fashion is fun and it should make people feel better not worse about themselves.

  9. a post with substance! it's fabulous, adding you to my links my dear xx

  10. Beth Ditto is making a strong point that big can be beautiful.

  11. wow great post! and they look fabulous

  12. I totally agree, it really annoys me
    though, Beth does look amazing, I think it's important that people don't think that this is healthy in any way, because it's almost as bad as the anorexia

  13. Great post. The most important is to be healthy!

    Visit and follow me :D

  14. I wish more people would think the same way, to be healthy. Not super skinny, not so obese either. It's just that for 'normal girls' we sometimes feel it's not good enough for fashion.
